Happy 100th day of school!
We celebrated the oh so EXCITING 100th day of school in second grade a couple weeks ago. The students got so excited to do activities related to the number 100. The day started out with a walk through our door streamers that read "We are 100 days smarter". We then read Disaster on the 100th Day on our FAVORITE iPad app, Epic.
**Epic is an amazing app that gives teachers and students access to quality, free books. Some books can be read to the students as you see below. We use Epic daily!
We then created our own book titled "Mrs. Nathan's 100th Day Disaster". The kids all picked a different animal to add to our book. All of them had very creative disasters.
During math we used 100 toothpicks and 100 marshmallows to create the tallest tower. The students worked in partners which surprisingly went off without a hitch. I try to incorporate STEM activities into my lessons as often as possible. It was fun to see the kids collaborate and "fail" as we like to say. Our classroom motto is that "failure" is good because it helps us learn from our mistakes. We even had some grandparents join us in the fun!
If you look in the background you can see our 100th day door streamers. I cheat and use roll paper that is cut from the bottom and then write at the top of the paper. It literally takes 5 minutes and generates smiles all day long!